Lawrence O'Donnell: Mitt Romney 'Sounds A Lot Like Sarah Palin' (VIDEO)

WATCH: O'Donnell Compares Romney To Palin

Lawrence O'Donnell discussed Mitt Romney's tough day in London on his MSNBC show Thursday night, saying he agreed with critics who compared the presumptive GOP candidate to Sarah Palin.

Romney made a number of unfortunate gaffes in London, and was subsequently lampooned by members of the British press.

After going through Romney's gaffes and the reactions they elicited, O'Donnell said that the former Massachusetts governor reminded him of Sarah Palin. "It started to occur to me last night, actually, when I was listening to his answers to Brian Williams' interview," O'Donnell said. "I began to think - that sounds a lot like Sarah Palin...he would string together these words that technically are sentences but have absolutely no meaning."

He added, "When Sarah Palin was doing that, pretty much everyone called her on it. Mitt Romney seems to be getting away with exactly the same thing, and it seems to me that there's some kind of double standard going on here because he's a well-dressed man."

O'Donnell's guest, former Vermont governor Howard Dean, disagreed with the comparison. "Romney is a fairly sophisticated guy," Dean said. "I don't think you can compare him to Sarah Palin, but his performance is pretty appalling."

Watch the exchange in the video above at roughly 6 minutes into the clip.

Before You Go

British press reacts to Romney's gaffes

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