Olympics Twitter: 10 Funny #RejectedOlympicEvents Tweets

10 #RejectedOlympicEvents We'd Love To Watch!

We all loves watching their favorite sports and seeing athletes like Ryan Lochte, Gabby Douglas or Missy Franklin compete in the Olympics, but what if you had the opportunity to redesign the games with a few new events? Twitter held something of a group brainstorming session today with the worldwide trending topic #RejectedOlympicEvents -- in other words, the sports that didn't quite make the cut for London 2012. The sports in the slush pile include everything from "Water YOLO" to "Extreme Angry Birds." Go Team USA?

Check out the 10 hilarious tweets in the slideshow for some of our favorite #RejectedOlympicEvents.

Which of these sports would you love to see in Rio in 2016? Do you have any funny ideas for #RejectedOlympicEvents? Tell us in the comments below or tweet @HuffPostTeen!

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