'Fresh Prince' At Guantanamo Bay Replaces Harry Potter As Favorite

Gitmo Prisoners Clamor For Fresh Prince

Move over, Harry Potter. The Fresh Prince now reigns inside the cell blocks at Guantanamo Bay.

According to the Miami Herald, the 168 remaining prisoners at the U.S. detention center in Cuba have had their fill of the boy wizard and now clamor for old reruns of the Will Smith TV sitcom,"The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air." According to the Herald, none of J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter books have been checked out of the prison library for more than a year.

Detainees reportedly are clamoring for episodes of the show about a street-smart teenager from Philadelphia who moves in with his affluent cousins in California.

“I just ordered all six seasons,” the librarian, a civilian contractor identified only as Milton under Defense Department rules that forbid the release of full names, told the Herald. "Fresh Prince" ran from 1990 to 1996.

The librarian who runs the 28,000-book and video library in an air-conditioned trailer couldn't explain why the half-hour show was suddenly such a hit among the inmates.

Given the prospect of indefinite detention with no end in sight, though, it's clear the prisoners are looking for a few laughs where they get them. The last show in high demand at Gitmo starred comedian Bill Cosby.

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