Nick Anderson, Detroit Real Estate Broker, Calls Indian Village Residents 'Self-Absorbed Idiots'

Email War: Read The Cheetos-Flavored Dust-Up Between Curbed Detroit vs Indian Village Realtor

Back in June, we ran a post about a six-bedroom in Indian Village listed for $50 K. While the house was appealing, we found the text the real estate broker added to the listing to be lame, so we had a local resident take a crack at improving it.

You might say we did the agent a favor for, you know, trying to make the place sound better. Well that agent was apparently a TOUGH dude named Nick Anderson..

Aside from being great at writing his own bio, Nick is really great at writing emails to Curbed when we try and mess with his brilliant listing text. And exceptionally good at winning over the neighbors in the area he is selling in.

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