6 Things You Shouldn't Give Up On

6 Things You Shouldn't Give Up On

1. Having a job you enjoy.

And it’s important to note that this doesn’t necessarily mean career. If building a demanding, complex career around which to base your definition of success and most of your time isn’t for you — that’s awesome! We live under this collective delusion that we are defined entirely by the job we do, which is an absurd notion. If you are happy doing a job that leaves you a lot of time and no stress for the rest of your endeavors, you should feel no shame in doing it. As much as someone shouldn’t toil in a service job if they dream of doing something with a corner office, someone shouldn’t feel chained to a cubicle if they long to have the freedom to get up and go when they so choose. The point is that we shouldn’t resign ourselves to making a living where we feel trapped or consumed by the job we’re doing, and we certainly shouldn’t let others tell us what it is that we should be doing, at any age. Whatever makes us happiest spending our working hours, we should do. After all, when the alarm goes off — it’s you who has to actually get up and go to work.

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