Can You Hear Me Now? 'Outliers'

Can You Hear Me Now? 'Outliers'

John Harwood examines pollsters' struggle to adapt to cell phone usage; Steven Shepard wonders if phone polls are sustainable.

Dick Morris argues the media isn't reporting the "real numbers."

Harry Enten asks if Dick Morris is the world's worst political pundit.

Gallup trackers show Obama losing votes from 2008.

John Sides analyzes whether the tax issue is hurting Romney's campaign.

The Votemasters counts 97 paths to an electoral college tie.

Ronald Brownstein finds a breakthrough for Obama among non-college educated white women in the Quinnipiac battlegrounds polls.

Nate Silver notices a dramatic drop in polling since 2008.

The Census Bureau drops its use of "negro," and changes how it categorizes Hispanics.

Bob Groves writes his last post as Census Bureau director.

Pew expounds on party identification and why it does not weight its samples by party ID.

Rasmussen explains why it does not include Gary Johnson in trial heat questions, and Scott Rasmussen announces a new syndicated television show.

Nate Cohn doubts undecided voters will 'break' to Romney.

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