John McCain: Mitt Romney VP Pick 'A Bold Choice' Like Sarah Palin (VIDEO)

McCain Sees Similarities Between Ryan, Palin

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) took a stroll down memory lane on Sunday, drawing some comparisons between his 2008 vice presidential selection and Mitt Romney's 2012 decision.

In an interview on "Fox News Sunday," the veteran senator expressed nothing but approval for Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), calling him an "excellent choice."

The news prompted McCain to circle back to his 2008 campaign. He noted how the vice presidential selection can provide a boost in battleground states, while reinforcing his satisfaction with Sarah Palin serving as his running mate.

“First of all, the selection is made as to who will best help you get nominated and who you believe is best suited for the role of vice president of the United States,” McCain said. “At that time — I’m still proud of my running mate. I’m proud of Sarah and her family and I’m proud of the work that we did.”

“Many people thought that other people who were being considered might bring home those states into the Romney column," he added. "I think this is a pretty bold choice as well. And I think it’s a good matchup because of Paul Ryan’s ability to carry a Romney agenda through the Congress of the United States, and his intimate knowledge of the budget.”

McCain's support for the Palin pick comes a month after he vowed that she was a better candidate than Romney for his VP slot. Two weeks later, Vice President Dick Cheney lambasted his decision in an ABC News interview, bluntly casting the Palin pick as a "mistake."

"I like Governor Palin," Cheney said. "I've met her. I know her. She – attractive candidate. But based on her background, she’d only been governor for, what, two years. I don't think she passed that test … of being ready to take over.

McCain fired back the following Monday, turning to a notable disagreement he had with Cheney over the Bush administration's policies on torture.

"I'm always glad to get comments four years later," said McCain on July 30's edition of "Fox & Friends." "Look, I respect the vice president. He and I had strong disagreements as to whether we should torture people or not. I don't think we should have."

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