Rachel Maddow Sounds Off On Anti-Gay Tweets, Emails After Drudge Report Link

Maddow Sounds Off On Anti-Gay Tweets

Rachel Maddow reacted to anti-gay tweets with exasperation over the weekend.

The MSNBC host faced off with National Review editor Rich Lowry on Sunday's "Meet the Press." The two clashed over Paul Ryan's budget plan, and conservative media watchdog Newsbusters criticized her appearance.

The piece was picked up by the Drudge Report. Maddow reacted later that day, tweeting:

Maddow has spoken out about hate mail before, estimating that it comprises about 14% of the feedback she receives. She gave some examples of the vitriol: "'I hate you not because of what you said, or some argument or some position that you have, but I hate you because you're Rachel MadCOW, you look like a cow!' Or, 'You're Rachel but I'm going to call you him.'"

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