Work Stress: What Bothers Post 50s Most At Work

What Bothers Post 50s Most At Work?

Nearly three-quarters of Americans are experiencing work stress, according to a recent survey conducted by Harris Interactive for Everest College; out of the 898 Americans surveyed, 63 percent of those between the ages of 55-64 were stressed about at least one thing on the job.

Their top stressor? Money. Some 13 percent of 55- to 64-year-olds ranked low pay as their number one cause of stress. Following low pay, unreasonable workload, commute and annoying coworkers rounded out the list of annoyances for post 50s.

While low pay topped the list for post 50s, 15 percent of respondents in the 35-44 age group ranked their commute to and from the office as their biggest source of stress. Additionally, among workers 18 to 34 said the biggest stress for them is that their jobs are "not their chosen career."

Here are six other factors that post 50s say cause them the most work stress:

Before You Go

Unreasonable Workload

What Causes The Most Work Stress For Post 50s?

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