Pink Bedroom Prank: Man Transforms Brother's Bedroom Into Teenage Girl's Pink Palace

Is This The Coolest Prank Ever?

When Tobias Mathijsen's younger brother hacked his Facebook page, the filmmaker decided to respond creatively.

Rather than trying to hack his brother back, Mathijsen recruited some friends to transform his brother's 'guy' room into a pink paradise suitable for the girliest of girly-girls.

The level of effort Mathijsen put into his prank is remarkable. Not only did his crew paint his brother's walls pink, they put up posters of teen heartthrobs like Justin Bieber, painted elaborate flower decorations, and left behind pink rollerblades, a vibrator and even birth control pills.

The cherry on top? When the younger Mathijsen saw his new digs, he admitted, "I think I'm too lazy to change this back to normal. That is the real issue."

Bravo, Tobias. Bravo.

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