Jewels Of Elul 5772: Inspirational Essays On Aging And Jewish Discovery

Introducing An Inspirational Essay Collection On Aging And Jewish Discovery

Editor's note: There is a great Jewish tradition to dedicate the 29 days in the month of Elul to study and prepare for the coming high holy days. The time is supposed to challenge us to use each day as an opportunity for growth and discovery. On each of the 29 days of Elul, performer Craig Taubman posts a "jewel," or story, from some of today's most celebrated visionaries. Past contributors include President Barack Obama, Desmond Tutu, Mary J Blige, Eli Wiesel, The Dali Lama, Rabbi Ruth Messinger Lady Gaga, among many others. Today's reflection comes from Craig Taubman.

I love the theme of this year’s Jewels because I try to live my life as art, not science -- and also, because I’m aging. As much as I try to be positive about aging, it can be hard to watch my body change. And while we may tell our children “not to worry,” we all know that in the end -- we all end. But if we have lived well, our lives can be like pieces of art that are not thrown away but passed down as gifts to future generations.

As the 29 writers, artists, politicians, thinkers and dreamers in this collection show, aging can bring many upsides, enlightenments, hidden beauties and joys. I hope that by sharing these reflections we might inspire each other to see the beauty in aging and harness its power for the betterment of all.

This volume is extra special to me as it contains a Jewel written by my 24-year-old son together with my 86-year-old father-in-law. Finally, I’d like to thank my parents for the gift of life they gave me 54 years ago.

L’chaim, To Life!

Craig Taubman seeks to impact the world one event, song, inspiration or Jewel at a time.

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