Treasure Island Radiation History More Widespread Than Previously Reported

Treasure Island's Toxic Danger

This article comes to us courtesy of The Bay Citizen.

Radioactive contamination at the Treasure Island Naval Station, where San Francisco plans to build a high-rise community for 20,000 residents, is more widespread than previously disclosed, according to a new U.S. Navy report and other documents obtained by The Bay Citizen.

Although the Navy and one state agency say cleanup has been effective and remaining radiation levels are low, the state Department of Public Health expressed alarm as recently as May, saying earlier studies showing fewer radioactive sites led to a botched cleanup effort and the potential spread of contaminants both on and off the island.

The findings appear likely to complicate the environmental cleanup and new construction on Treasure Island after years of debate - much of it shielded from the public - over the island's radioactive hazards. Internal emails and documents obtained by The Bay Citizen leading up to the findings reveal numerous new areas of concern squarely in the path of the planned development.

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