Leslie Knope's Arsenal Of Impressions And Accents Finally Gets A Supercut (VIDEO)

WATCH: Leslie Knope's Funniest Impressions

While you're waiting for new episodes of "Parks And Recreation" to come back, you can still get your Leslie Knope fix with this latest supercut of her funniest impressions and accents.

Amy Poehler's years of improv comedy experience supply Knope with an arsenal of accents, including "British socialite" and "Southern belle," but it's her JFK, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Tim Gunn and Rodney Dangerfield impressions that really shine in this video. Let's also not forget how well she lampoons her Parks office co-workers, Ron Swanson and Tom Haverford (or that time she dressed up as Eliot Spitzer. Yeah, that was weird).

Watch the video above!

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