Best Tweets: What Women Said On Twitter This Week

The Best Tweets From Women This Week

Ben & Jerry's is known for its outrageous flavors: "What a Cluster" (peanut-butter ice cream with caramel cluster pieces, peanut butter and marshmallow swirls), "Coconut Seven Layer Bar" (coconut ice cream with coconut and fudge flakes, walnuts and swirls of graham cracker and butterscotch), "Chubby Hubby" (fudge-covered peanut-butter-filled pretzels in vanilla malt ice cream with fudge and peanut butter), the list goes on.

That's why Abbi Crutchfield's tweet on Saturday made us laugh: "Ben & Jerry's makes vanilla ice cream, but the guy who proposed it probably got fired."

In other food news, Sarah Silverman (no, not that Sarah Silverman) mourned the loss of a doughnut: "On the way into work I dropped my doughnut on the sidewalk. You read about these things, but never think it'll happen to you."

Click through the gallery below for more fantastic tweets from women, and check back next week for our new favorites.

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