Rep. Darrell Issa: Media Covering Republican National Convention Is 'Second String'

GOP Rep. Disses Reporters At RNC

Congressman Darrell Issa complained about the media covering the Republican National Convention on Tuesday, calling them "the second string."

"I was downtown earlier today, where the second string of most of the networks are covering, as we speak, what we're doing, while the first string is seeing if there's another Katrina," Issa said in Tampa.

While Tropical Storm Isaac has diverted media attention away from the RNC for the past two days, however, Issa' criticism was overstated. Most of the networks' biggest names have remained in Tampa, though Anderson Cooper, Lester Holt, Soledad O'Brien and Shepard Smith traveled to New Orleans to cover the storm.

About 15,000 journalists are in Tampa to cover the convention. On Tuesday, network executives told the New York Times that they will stay there, unless worsening conditions warrant a change in plans.

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Hurricane Isaac

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