New York Republicans: Locating The GOP In NYC (MAP)


As Mitt Romney gears up to accept the Republican nomination for president on Thursday, barring further disruptions from Hurricane Isaac and Rep. Ron Paul of course, WNYC takes a look at Republicans here in New York City.

Although a rare breed, New York Republicans are indeed a powerful and growing force among local constituencies. As Dan Collins recently blogged for HuffPost, Republicans in the city also provide an important option for the upcoming mayoral race in 2013:

The Republican Party of New York City may be an empty shell, but it's a shell that serves an important function -- giving people a choice. We're all better off if they pick somebody who will at least give the Democratic nominee a serious challenge.

In 2011, Republican Bob Turner stunned political pundits with a victory against Democratic Congressman David Weprin in District 9. The special election followed Anthony Weiner's resignation after admitting to a Twitter photo scandal.

And who can forget NYU's College Republicans and their "Newt Gingrich Sleepover?" (See photos below.)

So who are the Republicans of New York City and where do they reside? As with Democrats and independents in the city, the answer is varied. But many areas in Staten Island, southern Brooklyn, and a rising number in Queens. In some cases, the numbers even surpass Democrats.

Check out the WNYC map below:

Photos below were originally posted by NYU Local.

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