Craig Romney Speech Text: Read The Republican Convention Remarks From Mitt Romney's Son

Craig Romney Delivers Speech At Republican Convention

Craig Romney gave his speech to the Republican National Convention on Thursday night.

The son of presidential candidate Mitt Romney delivered half of his remarks in Spanish.

"We're seeing this story play out in the lives of many other Hispanic Americans who have become leaders in the Republican Party and throughout our nation," he said in an appeal to the critical voting bloc. "These leaders, along with Hispanics across the country, will play a vital role in the Romney-Ryan comeback, as we fight to put America back on the path to prosperity."

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Below, Craig Romney's remarks as prepared for delivery.

I am honored and humbled to speak with you tonight. I am incredibly proud of my father, and love him dearly.

It is my privilege to say a few words in Spanish, so please bear with me for a moment.

Buenas Noches. Es un placer estar con ustedes.

Yo pase dos años viviendo y trabajando en Chile. A través de esa experiencia, pude valorar aún mas como hispanos han aportado a la diversa riqueza de los Estados Unidos.

Mi padre - Mitt Romney - es un hombre de familia. Él es un gran esposo, padre y abuelo. Él sabe como unir a nuestro país y valora que somos una nación de inmigrantes, unidos en el deseo de lograr el sueno americano.

El ama a nuestra nación. El luchará para confrontar los retos que tenemos y restaurar la grandeza de los Estados Unidos.

It's easy to forget that the story of my father's success begins with the story of two immigrants - my grandfathers - who came to this country with little more than hope in the opportunity of America.

Through their hard work and perseverance they lived the American dream, and gave opportunities to their children they wouldn't have had anywhere else. The Republican Party is dedicated to preserving that opportunity for all Americans.

We've had the privilege of hearing about different chapters of this same inspiring American story from Governors Sandoval and Martinez and soon-to-be-Senator Cruz.

We're seeing this story play out in the lives of many other Hispanic Americans who have become leaders in the Republican Party and throughout our nation.

These leaders, along with Hispanics across the country, will play a vital role in the Romney-Ryan comeback, as we fight to put America back on the path to prosperity.

Thank you.

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Republican National Convention 2012

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