Paralympics Torch Crosses Abbey Road (VIDEO)

WATCH: Paralympics Torch Crosses Abbey Road

The Paralympics might not enjoy the mainstream media attention of the regular Olympics, but they are every bit as cool. Recently, the Paralympic torch bearers recreated the famous Beatles photo on Abbey Road as the torch made its way to the stadium, according to this Twitter post by the Telegraph.

The torchbearer Graham Helm, 38, who is blind, was nominated because of his work with children, reports the Daily Mail.

"You don't get to see people talking every day to each other like they did today, it was fascinating to be part of it," local resident Ria Amiraly told reporters. "The Paralympics are more important to me because I work with special needs children, I think it's great that people with disabilities are going out there and taking part in sport, it's really important."

You can see the torchbearers posing like the Fab Four in the video above.

For more stories from the Paralympics, check out this slideshow about the most inspirational wounded veterans participating in the games.

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