'Call Me Ishmael,' 'Call Me Maybe' Parody, Harpoons 'Moby Dick' (VIDEO)

'Call Me Maybe' Gets Nautical

From hell's heart she'll stab, stab, stab your eardrums until you can't get this "Call Me Maybe" parody out of your head.

"Call Me Ishmael," is the latest (tolerable) rehash of Carly Rae Jepsen's infernal ear worm. If this isn't proof that the song has jumped the shark, then it's definitely... stabbed... the whale.

This video might have been better with a polarizing lens filter and some autotune, but it gets points for adding a touch of literary life to the oft-reanimated pop song.

This is Herman Vaudeville's first YouTube video. We eagerly await the pirate-themed "Gangnam Style" parody "Gangplank Style."

Before You Go

"Call Me Maybe" Covers & Parodies

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