College Parties: 8 Tips On Surviving Freshman Year Social Life

8 Tips On Surviving Your First College Party

By Molly, University of Nebraska

Today in my wonderful little college town the high was like 85 degrees, which is a nice little change from the 101-degree heat we’ve been having. But, that also means that fall is just around the corner. With fall comes new classes but more importantly –- new freshman. Look, I still remember freshman year like it was yesterday, and I remember being terribly nervous. So as the anxious freshman wandered into my campus store today, my heart reached out for them.

It’s so overwhelming to live on your own and the first week of moving onto campus is INTENSE. For some students there’s fraternity and sorority recruitment -– which is another level of intimidating. But many students will be spending this week attending something they’ve only seen about in Animal House or in a completely inaccurate scene on ABC Family –- their first college party. As a self-proclaimed party girl (sorry, Mom!), I thought I would share my knowledge of parties and give some helpful tips to actually enjoying your first college party.

Click through the slideshow below for eight tips on surviving your first college party.

Are you nervous for your first college party -- or excited? Tell us in the comments below or tweet @HuffPostTeen!

Before You Go

Utilize the "Buddy System"

10 Tips For Surviving Your First College Party

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