GOP Volunteer In Florida Tells Voters: Don't Vote For Obama, He's A Medicare-Killing Muslim (AUDIO)

GOP Volunteer Makes Pitch To Voters: Obama's A Muslim
US President Barack Obama speaks during a campaign event at the Henry Maier Festival in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, September 22, 2012. AFP PHOTO / Saul LOEB (Photo credit should read SAUL LOEB/AFP/GettyImages)
US President Barack Obama speaks during a campaign event at the Henry Maier Festival in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, September 22, 2012. AFP PHOTO / Saul LOEB (Photo credit should read SAUL LOEB/AFP/GettyImages)

A volunteer for the Clay County Republican Party in Florida working on a statewide phone bank was recorded this week condensing her pitch to voters into a few simple themes: President Barack Obama is a "socialistic" Muslim who will take away your Medicare.

In audio accidentally captured by the answering machine of a household contacted previously by the volunteer, a woman is heard spelling it out for people on the other end of the line.

"Y'all sound like y'all are senior citizens, right? Yeah. You don't want Obama. You really don't want Obama. Because he'll get rid of your Medicare. You might as well say goodbye to it," she says. "I don't know if you've done any research on Obama or not, but he is a Muslim, um, he is, um, gotta socialistic view on the, ya know, economy, the government, the whole nine yards. If he had his way, we'd be a socialistic country."

The volunteer then closes with a final few pieces of advice, promoting a certain cable news station and an anti-Obama film created by conservative pundit Dinesh D'Souza.

"Pay attention to Fox News. If you can get out and watch that movie '2016' do so," she says.

The audio was first provided to Florida's WMNF, an "independent, progressive news and public affairs" station.

Listen to it below via the St. Augustine Record:

Leslie Dougher, head of the Clay County GOP, told the Florida Times-Union that the volunteer's message isn't exactly what they had in mind.

“It was off-script completely. We have everything scripted,” Dougher said. “Those are clearly not the views of the Republican Party of Clay County or the Mitt Romney campaign.”


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