Joyce Segers, House Candidate From Oregon, On Losing Her Husband, Women's Rights And Madeleine Albright

Female Candidate Watch: Meet House Of Representatives Candidate Joyce Segers

Joyce Segers, Democratic candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives from Oregon, once served as President of the Jupiter chapter of the Business and Professional Women Foundation. She's a former healthcare industry professional, and this is her second time running for a congressional seat.

In anticipation of the November 6 congressional elections, HuffPost Women talked to her about who she is, why she's running and how to get involved with her campaign.

What's your favorite quality in another person?

What three words best describe you?
Tenacious, curious, connected.

What's your biggest flaw?
Thinking there is always more I could and should be doing.

What failure are you most grateful for?
After my husband's death I didn't listen closely to the wisdom of my son. I'm grateful to have learned how much he has to teach me.

If you weren't you, who would you be?
A writer.

If you could live anywhere, where would that be?
Between the ocean and the mountains, luckily that describes a lot of Oregon.

What woman do you most look up to?
Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright.

What's the best advice you've ever been given?
Forgive and let go of the hard times.

What's your joy trigger?
Hearing the laughter of my grandson.

What is your favorite book?
"To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee.

What is your favorite album?
"All Things Must Pass" by George Harrison.

Where did you have the best meal of your life?
At the Mark Hopkins Hotel in San Francisco with my husband. Food always tasted better over our conversations.

What is your favorite thing you've ever worn and why?
A bright yellow cable knit sweater that just made me happy and warm.

What talent do you wish you had?
I always wanted to wake up one morning and be able to sing like Barbara Streisand.

What quality or accomplishment do you want people to know you for?
I would like to be known for my ability to connect with people.

What makes you feel the most free?
My agreement with myself to stop and say "enough, go have fun and take care of myself".

Why are you running?
Truth, Justice, Equality and the desire for all people to be heard and acknowledged.

What is the most important issue for women in this election?
Maintaining the hard won rights while we create a new model for our children and future generations.

How can readers get involved in your campaign?
Our website is and our email is Glad to chat and hear about your decisions to get involved in politics.

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