Tina Fey Brings Photos From Her High School Production of 'Dracula' To 'Late Show' (VIDEO)

Tina Fey's High School Theater Photos On 'Late Show'

Tina Fey decided to bring the ammunition to embarrass herself to "Late Show." And what's more embarrassing than high school pictures? Fey's were of her high school production of "Dracula," in which she played Dr. Van Helsing.

"Van Helsing is usually played by a man," she admitted. As for the kid playing Dracula, Fey and David Letterman loved his rock-and-roll look.

"It was 1988," Fey explained. "So he was, like, a kick-ass Bon Jovi Dracula."

Fey said the show didn't turn out as scary as they'd hoped. During the scene where she's driving a stake through Bon Jovi Dracula's heart, "A little, like, 3-year-old girl had just walked onto stage ... looking in the coffin."

While "30 Rock" is getting ready to kick off its final season, Fey just signed a deal with NBC/Universal to create new programming. Who's ready for "Bon Jovi Dracula: The Series," complete with little girls randomly walking through scenes?

Catch Tina Fey on "30 Rock," Thursdays at 8 p.m. ET on NBC, while "Late Show with David Letterman" airs weeknights at 11:35 p.m. ET on CBS.

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