Bruce Springsteen & Obama: Singer Explains His Support

Springsteen On His Support For Obama

On Wednesday, Bruce Springsteen took to his website to explain his support for President Obama.

"Right now, there is a fight going on to help make this a fairer and more equitable nation. For me, President Obama is our best choice to get us and keep us moving in the right direction. Right now, we need a President who has a vision that includes all of our citizens, not just some, whether they are our devastated poor, our pressured middle class, and yes, the wealthy too; whether they are male or female, black, white, brown, or yellow, straight or gay, civilian or military," he explains in a post entitled "A Message From Bruce."

He continued, "President Obama is our best choice because he has a vision of the United States as a place where we are all in this together. We’re still living through very hard times but justice, equality and real freedom are not always a tide rushing in. They are more often a slow march, inch by inch, day after long day. I believe President Obama feels these days in his bones and has the strength to live them with us and to lead us to a country '…where no one crowds you and no one goes it alone.'"

Springsteen has never been shy about his political affiliations. In 2008 he endorsed President Obama, even performing at a rally for the candidate in Cleveland. It was recently announced that The Boss will be headed back to Ohio and on to Iowa to campaign again.

In the message posted to his site, the singer also voiced support for "sterling candidates" Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) and Elizabeth Warren, who is campaigning for Senate in Massachusetts.

On Wednesday night, Springsteen also showed support for another friend. He surprised Steven Van Zandt at the benefit concert for Little Kids Rock, a charity that supports music education in school. Van Zandt, who has been friends with Springsteen for 47 years, was receiving the Big Man of the Year award.

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