Rachel Maddow On 'Katie': Mocks Mitt Romney, Tells Him To 'Get A Map' (VIDEO)

WATCH: Maddow Mocks Mitt Romney On 'Katie'

Rachel Maddow appeared on Katie Couric's daytime talk show with ABC News' Nicolle Wallace to debrief on Monday night's presidential debate.

CBS News' Bob Schieffer moderated the final presidential debate, which focused primarily on foreign policy.

During a discussion on Gov. Mitt Romney's performance, Maddow charged that the Republican presidential candidate did not appear to possess a basic level of understanding about foreign policy.

"Last night, [Romney] said that Syria is Iran's pathway the sea," Maddow said. "Ok, Syria and Iran don't touch, and Iran is on the sea."

Speaking directly to Romney, Maddow cried, "What are you talking about? You can't be president! Like get a map, that's a really important part of the world!"

During Monday's debate, Romney said, "Syria is Iran's only ally in the Arab world. It's their route to the sea. It's the route for them to arm Hezbollah in Lebanon, which threatens, of course, our ally, Israel."

Maddow and Wallace agreed that Romney did not challenge President Obama's positions on foreign policy, despite criticizing the president's positions on the campaign trail.

"Mitt Romney had portrayed President Obama as an absolute failure on all these major challenges," Maddow said. "The thing that worries me about that, is that I don't take him seriously on the issue of foreign policy."

Wallace added, "A week ago, [Romney] was itching to have a fight about Libya and about the management of that tragic attack on the consulate [in Benghazi]. So the fact that he didn't engage on anything really was puzzling."

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