10/24/12 Pollster Open Thread

10/24/12 Pollster Open Thread

This open thread is to discuss all of the day's polls -- what they tell us about the election, their methodological strengths and weaknesses, notable findings others have missed or whatever else you want to talk about. Each day's open thread will appear in the morning and remain open for 24 hours. We also encourage you to use the "favorite" button to identify the most interesting or insightful comments.

Tuesday featured comment

"The story of this election very well may be the missed Latino vote. Latino Decisions breaks down the past few weeks of polls to find that the ones skewing towards Romney have laughable crosstabs involving Latinos. Every poll conducted by a Spanish-speaking pollsters (Telemundo, Pew Hispanic Center, Latino Decisions, 8 polls in total) put the Latino vote at around 70% for Obama. The Monmouth poll yesterday had Latinos at 46% for Obama. The politco/GWU poll at Latino support at 53%. The PPP poll of Florida had Romney up 8! That's a huge, huge gap. Polls were way off in Nevada in 2008 and 2010 for this reason, and that's likely to be the case again this year across all states with heavy Latino populations. Read for yourself: http://www.latinodecisions.com/blog/2012/10/23/why-pollsters-missed-the-latino-vote-2012-edition/" - workmonkey

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