Diane Gaeta's 'Lolitas' Exhibition Turns Adolescent Girls' Facebook Pictures Into Creepy Works Of Art (PHOTOS)

Does This 'Lolitas' Exhibition Cross The Line?

It's an art project for the digital age that could make Humbert Humbert blush.

Artist Diane Gaeta got in contact with a Parisian teenager named Heidi via email. Heidi proceeded to send Gaeta Facebook photos of her and her friends in poses that aren't NSFW but are certainly not suitable for children. Part Mickey Mouse Club Britney and part 'I'm A Slave 4 U' Britney— it's a creepy combo to be sure.

But despite her disturbing, relevant subject matter, Gaeta doesn't seem to be inviting social critique. She romanticizes this precocious, naive sexuality with a straight series of pencil on archival Bristol board drawings that displays no analytical distance.

What do you think, readers? Are sexy photos a rite of passage in a young women's development? Is there a certain beauty there? Or is Gaeta's project riding the coat-tails of a controversial hot topic in an inappropriate way? Also... when will we ever stop making the pouty face? It is not a good look.

"Lolitas" will show at America Martin Gallery on October 27 and 28.

By Diane Gaeta


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