10 Reasons Why: Emily Hartridge, British Blogger, On Why It's Time To Break Up (VIDEO)

This Is When You Know It's Time To Break Up

Your relationship is going through a rough patch. Things that used to be easier -- sex, communication, making time for each other or maybe all of the above seem increasingly difficult. Do you stick it out or go your separate ways? The answer often isn't obvious.

Fortunately for those in that "should I or shouldn't I?" moment, British video blogger extraordinaire Emily Hartridge has applied her signature "10 Reasons Why" formula to knowing when it's time to break up.

Hartridge, who has previously covered everything from why she loves having sisters to why you should date a younger man, turns her attention to that, um, "wonderful moment in our lives" that makes us "grin like cheshire cats," distilling all the fights and slights and nights apart into 10 simple signs that it's time to be on your way.

Hartridge and her YouTube boyfriend Dave act out less than pleasant scenarios like being constantly criticized by your partner (Hartridge subtly points out to Dave that he "looks really ugly today" and is "the most boring person" she's ever hung out with) and declining to tell your partner when something major happens in your life ("Wait, so you're moving to Australia?" Dave asks, evidently the last to know). She also includes no longer wanting to have sex, refusing to have pictures taken and the oh-so-cruel (and slightly baffling) shift of your Facebook relationship status to "it's complicated."

While Hartridge is a comedian and her take on the decision to break up is designed to make us laugh, there are very real reasons to end a relationship. When was the "moment you knew"? Tell us your story in the comments.

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