Michael Moore: 'Hate Is A Huge Motivator' In Romney Campaign (VIDEO)

Michael Moore: 'Hate Is A Huge Motivator' In Romney Campaign

Michael Moore joined HuffPost Live Tuesday to discuss his thoughts heading into Election Day as well as the role of race in the election and attempts on the part of the Republican party to suppress the votes of minorities through groups like True The Vote, a Texas-based group seeking to monitor polling places to prevent voter fraud.

"It's not to say that all Republicans are racists or people who voted for Romney are racists," he said. "I don't believe that, but I do believe that hate is a huge motivator on Romney's side. And they have manipulated that and exploited it as best they can to try to get people out to get rid of Barack Obama."

Moore added that while voter suppression has "been with us a very long time," today it takes the form of "hundreds of thousands of people at the polls" trying to "stop as many people that look like they're gonna vote for Obama as possible."

HuffPost Live host Ahmed Shihab-Eldin asked whether Moore was referencing people of color.

"That was a polite way of saying that there's a group of racists standing at the polling booths," Moore responded.

Moore also cautioned Democrats against celebrating too early based on polling results, likening any such celebration to an "endzone dance" before the touchdown is scored:

Moore did, however, make a last-minute plea to non-voters, trying to convince them (above all else) to vote, but also explaining why he cast his vote for President Obama:

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