Man Set On Fire During Debt Fight, Argentine Police Say

Man Allegedly Set On FIRE During Debt Fight

People deal with their debt in different ways. Some take on extra jobs, some move back in with parents to save on rent. Then some set fire to the debt collector.

A man was just arrested in Palermo, Buenos Aires, for allegedly setting another man on fire over a debt, Fox News Latino reports. The suspect allegedly threw gasoline on the victim after the victim came to his house to collect the unpaid money.

The victim suffered burns on over 80 percent of his body and is in serious condition, hospital officials told Fox News Latino. Last year, Argentina's unemployment rate was listed at 7.2 percent for 2011, lower than that of the United States, according to the CIA.

The Argentinian man's response is just one of the many extreme ways those burdened by debt have dealt with it. An Illinois man committed suicide in 2007, reportedly in part because of overwhelming student loan debts. Then in Indonesia, a man allegedly committed suicide to avoid Citibank debt collectors, leading to a lawsuit against the bank last year.

Other times, it's the collectors themselves that go too far -- like in 2008, when a young American model was allegedly murdered by a debt collector.

In the U.S., debtors' prisons have shown signs of a comeback. Imprisoning someone who cannot pay his or her debts, while controversial, is legal in more than one third of states.

To ward off unfair collection practices, the U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau announced last month that it will for the first time "supervise" the debt collection industry.

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