Maher Insists Obama Become 'An Angry Black Man Pushing A Liberal Agenda' In Second Term (VIDEO)

Maher: It's Time For Obama To Become 'An Angry Black Man Who's Pushing A Liberal Agenda'

How can President Obama get back at the people who tried to paint him as an angry black man pushing a liberal agenda? According to Bill Maher, by becoming an angry black man who's pushing a liberal agenda.

It might be that Obama's real mandate in this election is to finally embrace not giving a damn what the right thinks and making good on the hope he initially inspired in progressives. But as Maher explains in this week's new rules, it's up to liberals to hold his feet to the fire on that one.

Watch Maher's appeal to Obama in the clip above and let us know what you think in the comments. Is it time for Obama to become an apologetic liberal in his final term?

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