Demi Lovato 'Skyscraper' : Twitterverse Shares #SongsThatMakeMeCry

What Songs Make YOU Weepy?

"The Trending 20" is a regular series where we round up interesting, informative and hilarious tweets from worldwide Twitter trending topics, fueled by young tweeters on the interwebs. Have one to submit? Give us a shout @huffpostteen.

Whether it's an acoustic ballad by your favorite boy band (do we really have to name which one?) or a touching love song that you grew up listening to, we all have those songs in our iTunes library that make us reach for the tissues every time they come on shuffle. With the worldwide trending topic #SongsThatMakeMeCry this morning, the Twitterverse bared their souls to share their go-to songs for when they need a good cry. From "Little Things" to "Leaving Hogwarts" (any Potter fan knows how emotional the end of the series is), check out 20 songs that make teens on Twitter weepy in the slideshow below, and tell us: What songs make you tear up? Share your thoughts in the comments below or tweet @HuffPostTeen!

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