Metro Detroit Restaurants Open On Thanksgiving For 2012: Don't Despair! (SLIDESHOW)

Where To Eat On Thanksgiving

Last year, you made yourself a promise. Maybe it was after you took the turkey out of the oven and it was still raw; or when you set the yams on fire. Maybe it wasn't even your fault -- but after Aunt Clare found the vodka or the dog ate the pumpkin pie or you spent $250 on tablecloths and parsnips and turkey equipment, you said, "no more."

You're not cooking Thanksgiving dinner this year. And we here at HuffPost Detroit support the choice you've made. But we know as well as you that it's nigh impossible to get a classy meal on a Sunday night in Detroit, let alone Thanksgiving.

So click through our slideshow for a list of restaurants serving carry-out and opening their dining rooms to warring siblings, frustrated home cooks, turkey haters and people without ovens on Thanksgiving. Make sure to save a grateful "thank you" or two for the people serving you on Thursday! They might actually like this holiday, after all.

Thanksgiving Day Eats

Metro Detroit Restaurants Open On Thanksgiving

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