Unlikely Celebrity Friends: Lady Gaga & Lindsay Lohan, And Other Odd Pairings (PHOTOS)

PHOTOS: Unlikely Celebrity Friends

When Lindsay Lohan faced harsh criticism for her portrayal of Elizabeth Taylor in "Liz & Dick" earlier this week, loyal friend Lady Gaga came to her defense, tweeting "@lindsaylohan you did a beautiful job on Liz & Dick, Let no one bring u down, Liz didnt, they always try to knock the greats down a few pegs."

Lohan responded, "@ladygaga thank you so much! You are such an incredible force and that means the world to me :) love & hugs xo hope to see you soon bella."

Who knew that Mother Monster and LiLo were such good pals?

But they're just one of the celebrity friendships that has struck as surprising. Here are some other unlikely pairings.

Lady Gaga & Lindsay Lohan

Unlikely Pals

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