Weird Nativity Scene Collection Include Tampon Baby Jesus

Jesus Christ! That's A Tampon!

The story of how Jesus was born in a manger has been depicted in thousands of ways over the last 2000-or-so years, but not with tampons.

At least until now.

A tampon version of the nativity is one of the newest additions to a collection of bizarre nativity scenes that Christian author Mark Oestreicher has been collecting for the past six years.

The collection, which is now up to 42 nativities, shows the birth of Jesus using bacon, spam, rubber ducks, mermaids and, yes, feminine hygiene products.

Although Oestreicher said the collection is meant to be whimsical and fun, he admits that he thought long and hard about including Baby Jesus as a tampon.

"However, the website where it came from -- -- is a legitmate craft website," he told The Huffington Post.

When Oestreicher first started the collection, he titled it "the worst nativity scenes ever." However, in recent years, he's becoming more forgiving and more accepting.

"After posting these for years, most of them have moved — in my thinking — from worst to awesome," he wrote on his blog. "There are still a few i think hideous, due to my own subjective criteria, but calling it the '42 worst nativity sets' is probably no longer accurate, particularly as I own a few of ‘em."

Hipster Nativity
The Hipster Nativity may be this year's most viral Nativity scene. It shows Joseph and Mary taking selfies with Baby Jesus, a shepherd checking his social media accounts and the Three Wise Men on Segways delivering gifts from Yes, the cow is organic.
Zombie Nativity
Courtesy of
When you see a Nativity scene featuring zombies, you can only wonder if it's taking place in "Deathlehem."
Rubber Duckie Nativity
Courtesy of
Oestreicher used to be bothered when he would see Nativity scenes depicting Jesus, Mary and Joseph as rubber ducks, but now he looks at products like these as "whimsical attempts for people to engage in a mystery."
Meat Nativity
flickr: Greg Chow
This depiction of the birth of Jesus "meats" all of Oestreicher's criteria for an offbeat Nativity -- and has the added bonus of being able to feed peoples' stomachs and their souls at the same time.
Nativity Cupcake Toppers
Courtesy of
At first, Oestreicher was taken aback by the use of obviously commercial products, such as these cupcake toppers, even though they "weren't morally wrong." But he has learned to enjoy them.
Mermaid Nativity
Flickr: Teyacapan
Oestreicher loves the craft that went behind this Nativity scene, even though he finds the concept fishy.
Spam Nativity
Courtesy of
This depiction of the Bethlehem manger in Spam is surely made for Monty Python fans.
Snow Globe Nativity
Courtesy of
Oestreicher is particularly amused by this snow globe Nativity, mainly because of the way Mary and Joseph are looking at their child through a fishbowl.
S'mores Nativity
Courtesy of
Oestreicher believes this Nativity, which depicts Jesus and family as s'mores, is perhaps the worst Nativity set he's seen.
Shotgun Shell Nativity
If there is a person in your life whose favorite religious ditty is "Praise The Lord And Pass The Ammunition," this Nativity made from shotgun shells is sure to hit the bull's-eye.
Soap Nativity
Oestreicher's annual blog post of weird Nativity scenes has become so big that some people send him photos of their work in hopes of inclusion, such as this soap Nativity.
Tampon Nativity
Oestreicher initially worried about including this Nativity scene that uses tampons, but decided to go ahead since it comes from a legitimate craft website that just happens to be dedicated to using tampons.
Moose Nativity
Oestreicher admits that he's not a fan of animal Nativity scenes, because they lack creativity.
Frog Nativity
This frog Nativity is "ribbeting."
Meerkat Nativity
This meerkat Nativity says "Merry Christmas" and "Hakuna Matata" at the same time.
Color Nativity
This Nativity scene, using only color blocks, is Oestreicher's current favorite, as it shows that the Nativity is so iconic that it's possible to look at these abstract shapes and still tell what it's depicting immediately.
Halloween Nativity
Because some Christians are anti-Halloween, Oestreicher wasn't sure about the intent of the people who made this Nativity scene. But after discussions with the creators, he decided it was not malicious, just fun.
Chocolate Nativity
Oestreicher jokes that the religious act of eating the body of Christ takes on new dimensions when he's made of chocolate.
Fondant Nativity
There's only one word for these yummy-looking Nativity characters: Relicious!
Gingerbread Yard Art Nativity
Celebrate two important holiday signifiers -- the Nativity and gingerbread men -- by combining them into big lawn ornaments.
Monkey Nativity
This depiction of the Nativity featuring monkeys may cause a lot of discussion over the theory of evolution.
Nativity Puzzle Erasers
A Nativity-themed puzzle eraser set may seem bizarre, but Oestreicher points out that Christians believe Jesus came to Earth to erase people's sins.
Nesting Dolls Nativity
Oriental Trading Company
Nativity nesting dolls are fairly common, but Oestreicher likes this particular set because the tiny sheep fits inside Baby Jesus.
Father Santa Nativity
Courtesy of Mark Oestreicher
Santa is a popular fixture in many Nativities, but Oestreicher said this one of Kris Kringle holding Baby Jesus moments after his birth takes things to a different level altogether.
Nativity Inside Frog Stomach
Oestreicher says this frog belly Nativity is "one of the strangest and most disorienting Nativities on the whole list."
Frankenstein Nativity
Christmas is great, Frankenstein movies are great, but that doesn't mean Frankenstein should be made into a Nativity scene.
Minimalist Nativity
There is something to be said for simplicity, even with Nativity scenes -- as this minimalist set of blocks with descriptive names demonstrates.
Radish Nativity
Christy Hemphill
People all over the world make Nativities out of what they have handy. In Oaxaca City, Mexico, locals carve Nativities out of radishes because Dec. 23 is celebrated as "Radish Night."
Bethlehemian Rhapsody
It's not a Nativity scene per se, but Oestreicher is fond of this remake of "Bohemian Rhapsody," with lyrics changed to reflect the Christmas story.
Woodland Creatures Nativity
Courtesy of Mark Oestreicher
Oestreicher said this woodland Nativity was displayed at a store in North Carolina. He likes it, but said "the Santa in the background sorta ticked me off. Go away, Santa, back to your freaking chimney."
Negativity Nativity
Some people are in a bad mood even during joyous occasions. For them, there is the Negativity Nativity, a gift for those people who say "Bah Humbug!" 365 days a year.
Gnome Nativity
A Nativity scene featuring gnomes isn't for everyone, but some people get in the hobbit.
Road Trip Nativity
Courtesy of Mark Oestreicher
Anyone who travels during the holiday can appreciate this Nativity scene showing Jesus, Mary and Joseph heading out on the open road with the Three Wise Men. Hope there's enough gold to pay the tolls.

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