Animal Photos Of The Week: Baby Monkey, Red Panda, Cheetah Cubs And More

Animal Photos Of The Week

A number of fascinating stories took place this week in the animal kingdom. In Maine, scientists have figured out how to calculate the age of a lobster by counting its rings-- just like a tree!

Across the world, a Japanese technology company found a way to keep track of your dog’s health. The “Wandant” pedometer counts every step your pet takes, and even allows you to analyze the data online.

LiveScience reports that solitary animals may avoid inbreeding through recognizing the calls of their relatives. Scientists studied grey mouse lemurs, animals raised solely by their mothers, who could still distinguish their kin in the wild. The lemurs paid close attention to their fathers’ sounds of alarm, but had very little interest in their mating calls.

In honor of Miley Cyrus’ 20th birthday last week, PETA decided to rescue a pig in her honor. “Thank you so much for saving Nora in honor of my bday,” Miley tweeted to the national animal rights group. “oh my pigggggyyyyy! She is so cute I can hardly stand ittttttt!!!!”

For a extra dose of cuteness this week, check out the 15 wild animals who think they are part of the family.

Find some of the week's best animal photos below:

Animal Photos Of The Week 11/25-12/1

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