10 Best Places To Meet A Man Over 50 During The Holidays

10 Best Places To Meet A Man Over 50 During The Holidays

December can have some of the loneliest and longest days of the year for those without partners. Making things worse, people who are actively trying to find mates tend to hibernate, opting to sit out the holidays alone rather than fly solo into the headwinds of social obligations. Even AARP has jumped into the dating game with the launch of its new dating site. The AARP partnered with the HowAboutWe.com, allowing users start with the question: "How about we . . . " and post an idea for a date they want to go on.

Hibernating is precisely what midlifers shouldn't do, said dating coach Lisa Copeland, who specializes in advising post 50 women about where to find "quality post 50 men." The December holidays just require a little more creativity to find where the good men are hiding, said Copeland, who runs the Find A Quality Man website.

Here are the 10 best places where to find them:

Before You Go

Whole Foods (Or Local Grocery Store) Around Dinnertime

10 Best Places To Meet A Man Over 50

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