Most Socially Conservative Colleges OR Future Rotarians And Daughters Of The American Revolution: Princeton Review List

The Most Socially Conservative Colleges

Do you dislike the current time in which we live? You might want to attend a socially conservative college.

The Princeton Review recently ranked colleges that are best for the future Rotarians and Daughters of the American Revolution among us. What does that mean, you ask? Well, we will tell you. Or more to the point, the Princeton Review will:

Schools on the list "Future Rotarians and Daughters of the American Revolution" are those at which surveyed students' answers indicated: their personal political persuasions to be very conservative, low levels of acceptance of the gay community on campus, high levels of popularity for student government on campus and a very religious student body.

There you have it.

Check out our slide show of the top 10 schools for our future rotarians. Then tell us, would you consider attending one of these? Weigh in below!

Hillsdale College

Future Rotarians and Daughters of the American Revolution

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