Open Adoptions: Making Them Work (VIDEO)

“I Want To Live With My Birth Mom!” -- One Mother's Tips On Making Open Adoption Work

With open communication, Goldman was able to work out a calling schedule with her daughter’s birth mother that they still adjust over time. And now that her daughter is old enough to understand that she has two mothers, another layer of complication has been added to the mix.

“I know she loves and adores me," Goldman said. “But the fact is with my nine-year-old who is adopted, when she’s mad at me, she’ll yell at me, ‘I want to go live with my birth mom.’ And where it was a slap in the face the first time, now I know it’s just like, what kids say. It’s like a child of divorce yelling to the parent, I wish I lived with dad, or mom, when they’re mad.”

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