Best Tweets: What Women Said On Twitter This Week

The Best Tweets From Women This Week

Once upon a time, not so long ago, your mom or dad would say something amusing while you were home for the holidays, and you would think, "I have to remember this so I can tell my friends." Not anymore. Now, thanks to Twitter, you can report it immediately to people you know as well as complete strangers.

That's exactly what many women did this week as they spent Christmas with their families. On Sunday, Leah Bonnema gave us a glimpse into her home: "There's my bra! Right there on the dining room table!" - Something my mom just yelled." And, on Monday, Megan Ganz shared the following: "My mom just called IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE 'kinda far-fetched.' Merry Christmas, one and all!" Kate Spencer's dad, however, knew exactly what she was up to: "'Go put that on your Twitter site!' - Dad, after confusing Kate Middleton with Katie Holmes." (She dutifully tweeted it.)

For more great tweets from women, click through the gallery below. And if you're still with your relatives and need some entertainment, check out the 101 best tweets of the year or browse our collection of past Twitter roundups. Happy New Year!

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