Shark Tank Breaks In China, Floods Shanghai Mall (VIDEO)

Shark Tank Breaks, Floods Mall

Generally when you hear "shark tank breaks" your first concern would be for any humans in the area, but in this case it's the sharks that didn't survive.

Flying shards of glass up to 25 centimeters thick injured seven workers and eight shoppers when a large shark tank exploded at Shanghai's Orient Shopping Center Dec. 19, according to a Huffington Post translation of the audio from this Chinese news report.

People watching the tank sustained "deep cuts and bruises" from the tank collapse, Gizmodo notes. Police are investigating what caused the tank to break.

According to the BBC, "a combination of low temperatures and weak materials" may have caused the 33-ton tank to burst.

Three lemon sharks that spilled out in the deluge didn't have a chance of surviving. According to Deadspin, turtles and fish also spilled out of the tank.

Even in their element, lemon sharks pose little or no threat to humans, according to the Florida Museum of Natural History. There has never been a death reported from an attack by the species. However, lemon sharks are often used in research since they survive well in captivity.

Apart from this incident, real-life reports of sharks flooding a mall have turned out to be hoaxes. What is very real is the danger that sharks face from finning, bycatch and fishing pressure. An estimated 30 million to 70 million sharks are killed in fisheries each year.

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