Resolutions 2013: Huff/Post50 Bloggers Share Their New Year's Goals

17 Resolutions From Huff/Post 50 Bloggers
New Year's resolutions written on pieces of paper and stuck to the table
New Year's resolutions written on pieces of paper and stuck to the table

Is there any other holiday/excuse to party that has as much optimism as New Year's? Around this time every year, our collective eyes look into the future and see a brand new, glittering (and always a few pounds lighter) version of ourselves. Someone who is just within our grasp with the help of resolutions -- those promises we make to ourselves that most of us abandon a few months (or even days) into the new year.

But resolutions -- whether kept or not -- give shape to what we want the new year to look like. And if our bloggers' resolutions are any indication, 2013 will be a year of personal growth, self-improvement and fun to compliment the 50+ years of living done prior to 1/1/2013. Feel free to pick up some of these resolutions as your own, even those who told us they didn't believe in making resolutions had some pretty great goals for the new year.

Check out what our bloggers' resolutions are and tell us what you're resolving to do for yourself and others in 2013 in the comments below.

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