Amber Rose Baby: Wiz Khalifa's Fiancee Shares Picture Of Her Bump (PHOTO)

Amber Rose Shares More Pregnancy Details

Amber Rose is in full bloom! The model, soon-to-be mama and fiancee of rapper Wiz Khalifa tweeted a photo of her baby bump and it looks like she's ready to pop as her due date draws closer.

Amber has never been shy about showing off her tummy in the past, and we must admit, as the debut of the Rose-Khalifa bundle of joy gets closer and closer, we can only hope she's as generous with pictures of her future little man.

The mommy-in-waiting shared the photo along with an affectionate caption, "My Love."

amber rose baby

She also went one step further, giving her followers a virtual taste of what pregnancy is like by sharing a photo of some of the foods she craves.

And what's on that list? Looks like pepper jack cheese, ruffled potato chips (perhaps bbq flavored?) and what looks like spicy dijon mustard are some of the things that satisfy this mom's taste buds. "The pregnancy cravings are real Lol ;-)," the star tweeted.

amber rose baby

Both Amber and Wiz have shared intimate details about their pregnancy, revealing their struggle with a previous miscarriage and their willingness to teach their future son about Wiz Khalifa's smoking habits.

And although that had some folks raising their eyebrow, the rapper being busted for failing to wear his seat belt has us a little worried. Hopefully, he remembers to strap junior in when he's riding around town.

Before You Go

Martin Kimmel

Celebrity Babies 2014


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