Colbert Takes On 'Zero Dark Thirty' Torture Controversy (VIDEO)

'We Are Long Overdue For A Thorough Investigation Into America's Use Of Torture... In Movies'

Note to Hollywood: Don't think you can cancel on Stephen Colbert and get away with it. "Zero Dark Thirty" director Kathryn Bigelow did just that on Monday, but the media has focused on an act even more brazen than canceling on "The Colbert Report."

Many have taken note of Bigelow's controversial depiction of torture in "Zero Dark Thiry;" specifically, the insinuation that "enhanced interrogation" led to finding Osama bin Laden, which the U.S. government denies.

Colbert astutely points out that many seem to be more interested in blasting a movie about torture than about torture itself, as there have been almost no legal proceedings investigating the use of torture in the War on Terror. Check out the clip above, and let's hope Bigelow stops by Colbert's studio sometime soon.

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