Aengus Mac Grianna Blooper: Irish News Anchor, Caught Off-Guard, Checks His Makeup On Live Television (VIDEO)

WATCH: Anchor Has Embarrassing Slip-Up On Live TV

Just how many times is Irish news anchor Aengus Mac Grianna going to be caught off-guard while on camera?

The broadcaster for Ireland's RTÉ news has once again slipped up on live television Wednesday night, assuming the cameras weren't rolling as he applied makeup and primped. The realization comes about 20 seconds into the video clip (seen above), when Mac Grianna's expression sours and he glances from side-to-side, exclaiming "what?"

The live feed cuts a few moments later, but it's Mac Grianna's look of shock when he realizes that he's on air that makes the clip so entertaining.

This is hardly the first time the RTE anchor has made a gaffe during a live broadcast. In December, Mac Grianna stumbled through a live news report on the 40th anniversary of the Apollo 17's mission, ultimately asking the teleprompter controller to "just go back to the very start of that."

According to the Irish Examiner, RTE attempted to remove the footage from various video sharing websites Thursday, but copies of the on-air blooper spread quickly online.

Speaking about the gaffe during his Thursday news bulletin, Mac Grianna laughed it off, explaining, "It was a technical problem and simply one of the hazards of the trade," the Irish Sun reports.

Late night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel brought more attention to Mac Grianna's blooper Thursday night, awarding him the "Excellence in Reporting" award, according to Irish website Joe.

Check out Mac Grianna's reaction after he finds out he's on camera in the video above, and watch more of his bloopers in the compilation below.

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