Gustavo Cruz Lozano Admits To Killing Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry, But Many Remain Skeptical (VIDEO)

Man Confesses To Killing Border Patrol Agent - But Did He?

A Mexican man tells Univision’s Primer Impacto that he’s the one responsible for the killing of Border Patrol agent Brian Terry, though the unexpected confession has drawn skepticism from the FBI and other journalists covering the story.

Gustavo Cruz Lozano, 41, says he has ties to Mexican drug cartels and that he’s murdered 10 people, including Terry. He asked Univision journalists to accompany him as he turned himself over to U.S. authorities, saying he didn’t want to keep running.

When Cruz Lozano turned himself in he had a stab wound to the neck, according to a report from KRGV.

Cruz Lozano told Primer Impacto he and others were carrying drugs across the border when they were surprised by the Border Patrol. “I’m the one who killed him,” Cruz Lozano said, referring to Terry.

Terry was killed in 2010 with a weapon traced to the “Fast and Furious” operation, in which the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms lost track of guns it had allowed across the border and which eventually wound up in the hands of drug cartels. The episode was a major embarrassment for the Obama administration.

Cruz Lozano also said he threatened Sheriff Lupe Treviño of Hidalgo County, Texas.

But many people have met Cruz Lozano’s confession with skepticism. The lawyer representing Terry's family told Univision News they doubted Cruz Lozano’s claim since his name had not appeared previously as part of the investigation. The FBI says they don’t trust Cruz Lozano’s story, according to an ABC affiliate in Arizona.

Fronteras Desk reporter Michel Marizco criticized the confession in a series of tweets, including:

U.S. authorities have identified five suspects in Terry’s killing. Two of them are in jail in the United States, a third is in jail in Mexico and two are still out on the loose.

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