BV's Blacks And Film Series: Help Us Select Our First Movie For Review

BV's Blacks And Film Series: Help Us Pick The First Movie!


February is officially the first month of BV's Blacks And Film Series. We heard your calls and requests for deeper conversations about blacks and film, and we're ready to roll up our sleeves and go in.

Let's kickoff this first month exploring Black Love in movies. Below, we've selected 8 movies for you to vote on. Help us choose which movie we'll all explore, review and dissect together. Some you may have seen and others may be completely new to you.

We've chosen movies that should prove easy for you to get your hands on either via a video rental service of your preference or by streaming online. Vote and let us know in the comments, what other things we should take a look at this month with our theme of Black Love on film.

We'll announce the movie you've chosen and how you can participate in this series with us on Thursday, February 7th.


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