Obama Scott Pelley Interview Covers Football Safety, Second Term In Office (VIDEO)

Obama Interviewed By Scott Pelley

President Barack Obama sat down with Scott Pelley of CBS ahead of the 2013 Super Bowl to discuss football safety and his second term in office.

Obama called football "a great sport" during the live interview, but said there's "no doubt" that concerns over concussions and player safety lead parents to worry about letting their children participate in the game.

"For those of us who like to see a big hit and enjoy the rock 'em, sock 'em elements of the game, we're probably going to be occasionally frustrated... but I do think we want to make sure that after people play the game they're going to be okay," Obama said before commending the NFL for taking more action to ensure player safety.

Obama has granted an interview on the day of every Super Bowl since he's been in office. The interview is always granted to the network hosting the big game, with past interviewers including Fox's Bill O'Reilly and CBS's Katie Couric.

Watch a clip of Obama's interview with Scott Pelley above.

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