'GI Jose: A Real Mexican Hero' Attracts Attention On Reddit (PHOTO)

Meet 'G.I. José'

He’s a real Mexican hero.

A photo of a bearded man driving a green van with a logo reading “GI José: A Real Mexican Hero” made the front page of the internet message board Reddit Tuesday, offering a Latino spoof of the iconic action figure series.

The picture appeared controversial in the Reddit community, with 28,419 users voting it up and 25,220 voting it down by about 4:50 p.m. E.S.T.

But while users didn’t agree on whether they liked the image, they also didn't dive heavily into politics in the mostly lighthearted comments. The top-voted comment was “i always preferred GI Jew the all American Hebrew.”

At one point, an user suggested the United States and Mexico should merge, sparking a debate with the following exchange:

T0pwater: as a midwestern white dude, I wish the USA and Mexico would just merge. I love Mexico, Mexicans and their country. They want to come here anyway. We want to go there anyway. It is win f***ing win. Seriously.

threehundredthousand: Do you mean merge or the US invading because if you think US politicians are a crooked bunch, you haven't seen s**t until you've seen the last few decades of Mexican politicians.

Alarconadame: shh...vato, you'll scare him away.

TheMadFapper_: Callate, pendejo. ¡Nadie sospecha nada!

Midway through the comments, the conversation degenerated into .gif-fueled insanity. Here’s the best of the bunch:

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