Women's History Month Artists: Celebrating WHM With Judy Chicago As The King Of Hearts

Judy Chicago: The King Of Hearts

HuffPost Arts&Culture is celebrating Women's History Month with the help of our favorite artists -- female artists, of course. Every day of March we're rolling out a new key player in the art world with a playing card... Get it? Print them out for your own amazing (although probably a bit flimsy) card deck or use them to stay fresh on your favorite women in art.

In order to celebrate Day One, we've decided to go big with our favorite feminist artist and lover of great dinner parties, Judy Chicago.


judy chicago
"Rainbow Shabbat" courtesy Judy Chicago

WHAT: Chicago's most famed work is "The Dinner Party," a large table with 39 place settings, each honoring a historical female who kicked ass, from activists to goddesses. The multimedia artist also works intimately with "macho" art forms like pyrotechnics and boat building, minimalist painting and colorful textiles. For this reason, she's our King of Hearts.

WHERE: You can see "The Dinner Party" at the Elizabeth A. Sackler Center for Feminist Art inside the Brooklyn Museum.

WHY: Not only do Chicago's rainbow-happy works provide us with endless joy, but the revolutionary artist coined the term "feminist art" and in the 1970s founded the first feminist art program in the United States.

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